Tuesday, February 24, 2009

What am I thinking?

Ahh! What am I thinking, putting my body through this torture? I ran my six miles outside last Friday and it was COLD! My face was wind burnt the whole day and I looked like a tomato. I ran outside (4 miles) on Sunday while snow hit me in the face. My body is exhausted. I keep falling asleep when I go home at night. My poor shin splints HURT. Why am I going through all this?

Because I want to prove to myself that I can do it! I am going to keep pushing through the pain and the fatigue and try my best.

In other good news, I've lost all the weight I gained in the month of January--whoo hoo!

This week:
Sunday--4 miles
Monday--3 miles
Tuesday--weights and pilates
Thursday--3 miles
Saturday--7 miles--then I head on a plane to Italy and will be taking a week off to explore Italy and eat as much as I can!

1 comment:

  1. hey I ran 5 & 1/2 marathons here in beautiful Ireland, you like to to run also?
    ps please follow my blog,
    shalom to you ladies,
